CHARGE Leaders have been selected to participate in the 2023 Teach to Lead Summit. KEDC’s CHARGE (Civics through Advanced Research and Geography Education) Grant proves that #LeadingtheCHARGE is more than just a clever hashtag! Teacher and Administrator Leaders involved in this grant are genuinely leading the way for Civics and History Education for Kentucky and the nation!
2023 Teach to Lead Summit is an opportunity for educator teams to focus on strengthening the educator workforce through developing and refining a project idea submitted by team members. The Teach to Lead Summit is highly competitive as only twenty teams are selected nationwide to participate in this event.
KEDC is so excited to announce that CHARGE Leaders were selected to attend and participate in the 2023 Teach to Lead Summit in Atlanta, Georgia. The CHARGE Team selected to participate are Sabrina King- Principal, G.R Hampton Elementary (Knox County Public Schools); Samantha Smith, Teacher, G.R Hampton Elementary (Knox County Public Schools); Beth Howard- Teacher, Pineville Independent School and Kim Yates- Teacher, Pineville Independent School, as well as Dr. Jim Evans, CHARGE Grant Lead- Wendy King and Grant Evaluator, Karen Bumgardner.
The CHARGE Team selected will be paired with a peer problem-solving team, be connected to a Critical Friend who will guide team members to articulate the theory of action, build a network of supportive peers and subject-matter experts to bring back to their CHARGE cadre and building/district level colleagues.
As with all professional learning experiences in the grant, learning opportunities will follow a cascading implementation vision. Each learner considers a meaningful takeaway from this experience and shares it with their team. Then, they will follow up learning with CHARGE Leaders in cadre session, reflecting on the experience so that other leaders may follow suit to apply for national-level presentations.
Congratulations to CHARGE Leaders! We cannot wait to see you #LeadTheCHARGE in Atlanta, GA, in March!
(Wendy King)